fredag 31. juli 2020

Bookfolding "Cross"

Hi everyone,

Today I found a picture of a book I folded several years ago...
The book was made to a friend of mine, while he was going 
through a very difficult time.

Pattern: Anna Lindström.

This is all for now
Wish you all a wonderful day!

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle


mandag 20. juli 2020

Bookfolding "H❤️me"

Hei Hei

Her kommer et nytt innlegg fra min samling av bookfolding.

Innser at jeg har en del bøker som er brettet opp gjennom tidene...   Vil legge dem ut her i bloggen etterhvert som jeg finner bildene av disse.

Denne boken brettet jeg til min eldste sønn og hans familie da de flyttet inn i nytt hus i 2015.
Mønsteret er skapt av Jo Black.
Pyntet så permen på begge sider, satte på en blonde og noen blomster ...   og voilá her er resultatet:

Dette var alt for denne gang.

Ha en fin dag!

fredag 10. juli 2020

Ally's Angels DT-Challenge #36 "Fishball-box turn into a A Coffee Fund Money Box"

Hello dear followers,

I hope you have had a good extended summer so far!
I sure hope that you had a wonderful week, 
and have lots of fun things planned for the upcoming weekend!

We have a new challenge beginning this evening at Ally's Angels
The theme as always is ...... 
Anything Goes

Here is what I came up with...  

A Coffee Fund Money Box

I made this for my husbands truck garage,
he get visitors several times a day... and of course 
they drink a LOT of coffee

I've uI've used a fishball box.  As you see, I didn't open it the way it's ment to. 
I opened it in the bottom. Then I made a new bottom of thick paper and glued
                it on before I tied a string  a couple of turns around and ended it with a loop.t with a loop.

Then I painted everything twice with white gesso .
To get this shabby look I used walnut stain and black sooted ink.
I also stamped it with Tim Holtz tire pattern.

Finally I could start to decorate it. 
I stamped up some stamps from Tim Holtz stampers anonymous,
and some texts from Papirdesign. I also created a text on my computer
to get my own message.   Then  inked them all up
to get a shabby look before I glued them on.

This is all for now.

Hope you've been inspired by this project to join our Challenge #36

Thanks for stopping by,
Hugs from DT -Mariann-

onsdag 8. juli 2020

Bookfolding "Vintage car"

Today I want to show you a book I made several years ago

- A Vintage car -

Pattern by:  Ewa Wilhelmsson
Folded by me

Hope you liked it!
Wish you all the best!
Take care!