lørdag 15. juni 2024

Ally's Angels DT-Challenge #83

Hello everyone!

 It's time for a new challenge at Ally's Angels

Here is what I came up with for this challenge...

Inside the card...

 Thank you for stopping by, and have a creative week. Hope you will join us this month. Remember to pop over to Ally's Angels to be inspired by the rest of our creative team.
DT - Mariann


9 kommentarer:

  1. A brilliant fun masculine card

  2. Fabulous masculine card and images -inside and out.
    Carol x

  3. What a great card! Love it!

  4. Perfect card for a musician! I love the outside as well as the inside!

  5. What a beautifull card Mariann
    I like the pictures inside and outside
    greetings Martha

  6. Such a fun, masculine card Mariann, beautifully made inside and out

  7. Wow! The perfect masculine card and even better for the music lover. The inside of your card is beautifully done. I love music, especially Jazz and soft rock. Perfect!

    Hugs and Blessings

  8. Great masculine card, but the expression cracks me up! I had to come visit, after your visit to my blog -- I was quite pleased to see your wonderful cards, fancy folds and other details. Thank you, your cards are wonderful and you seem quite busy with two "jobs"!


Thank you so much for visiting. Please leave a comment so I know you have been here, all comments are read and appreciated.